🌴 MIAMI 🌴 @DoNotDisturb_Vzla Present: ‪#‎UndergroundSurvivors‬

🌴 MIAMI 🌴 @DoNotDisturb_Vzla
Do Not Disturb Party

United through ‪#‎Music‬ with an amazing ‪#‎LineUp‬: -PH Plus: a duo formed by: @DjPatrickM Patrick M & Hugo Bianco @DjHugoBianco -Sergio Fernandez @djsergiofernandez – Bryan Sanchez @BryanSanchezDj – Jafa @DjJafa – Chris Conde @Christtiams
The prestigious venue LMNT @LmntArts located in MidTown ‪#‎Miami‬ 59 NW 36TH Street will open its doors on ‪#‎July‬ 31st for
Do Not Disturb Productions.

This will be an memorable night, where the music and good vibes will fill up the air. We’ll be waiting for you.

Women will have free entrance before midnight. We open our doors at 10:00pm.

‪#‎ILoveMiamiBeach‬ ‪#‎DoNotDisturbradio‬ #Miami it !!! #Miami ‪#‎florida‬ ‪#‎space‬ ‪#‎dj‬ ‪#‎miamilive‬ #donotdisturb ‪#‎justinmiami‬ ‪#‎welcometomiami‬ #music ‪#‎myworld‬